Highly Confidential and Personalized Care for Every Individual!
Services for 18 years of age and older
Licensed in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.

We are now offering COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION and TREATMENT via a confidential HIPAA-compliant Telemedicine program for the entire DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) area!!!
We believe that Telemedicine is the future of Medical Practice, especially for Psychiatry, because it allows healthcare providers to care for their patients anywhere, including in rural and underserved areas. Psychiatrists began utilizing technological advances in medicine by implementing telepsychiatry sessions even before the pandemic occurred. We are one of the few medical specialties that can take advantage of telemedicine without significant compromise to the quality of care.
Telepsychiatry Appointments are available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
In-Office Appointments are available Wednesdays only.
The phone consultations as follow-up appointments are mostly reserved for older people, for someone who has difficulties navigating computer/mobile devices or has no equipment (computer or smartphone) to arrange a telepsychiatry session. The reason phone consultation can not be utilized regularly is that the phone line is not compliant with HIPAA and HITECH requirements, and we can not guarantee confidentiality during the phone conversation.
For Telehealth appointments, we require you to use your camera.
Please make sure that your camera and microphone are working properly prior to your appointment.
Please do not drive or operate any machinery during the telehealth appointments for your safety and out of respect for the doctor.
The appointment will be canceled or rescheduled if you are driving during the appointment!

Doxy.me utilizes state-of-the-art security and encryption protocols, making this platform compliant with HIPAA and HITECH requirements.
If you are scheduled for a telepsychiatry session with Dr. Venera Miller, please log in to https://doxy.me/cipmllc at the time of your appointment and sign your name.
Use a computer or device with a good internet connection and webcam. If you run into issues connecting, restart your computer or check out the Doxy.me http://help.doxy.me
If you prefer, we can email you the Invitation to join Dr. Miller for the secure video session. Please confirm your email with the office manager prior to your telepsychiatry appointment time.
The opioid dependence patients are required to have an in-office mandatory urine/oral toxicology screen prior to their telepsychiatry session.
In case the connection on Doxy.me is not adequate, please use the following link to a
ZOOM Meeting
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